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SSChat Nov 29 Methods to Give Up and to Add

Page history last edited by Ron Peck 13 years, 10 months ago


Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
by kconners09
We will get the numbers to you, but hoping to get #sschat to 50 participants on a regular basis. Thanks for you new participants #sschat


I want to thank everyone for participating tonight. I'll have the archive up shortly. DM me or @Becky_Ellis_ for moderator ideas. #sschat


Diana Laufenberg
dlaufenberg Diana Laufenberg
by kimmiesue73
I like using 'speedlearning' to engage kids in 1:1 conversations with each other... forces even the quietest kid to participate. #sschat


Kay Conners
kconners09 Kay Conners
Of crse! Lk 4ward 2 it RT @Becky_Ellis_: @kconners09 yes every monday from 7pm to 8 pm EST, please come back again! #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
@blairteach just posted again! Hope some can make it! #sschat. Take care all!


Collaborize Team
Collaborize Collaborize Team
@martinmoran21 Do agree there should be a balance though! @Becky_Ellis_ #sschat




The link to the wiki for #sschat calendar. Let me or @Becky_Ellis_ know if you are interested in guest moderating. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@PerformanceEd You are the very best! Thanks for mentioning my boy Emmet Till! #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
Sign up for free webinar on strategies to use web tools in class interactively: http://bit.ly/cJ22zX tue 11/30 at 6:30 est #sschat #edtech


Martin Moran
martinmoran21 Martin Moran
@Becky_Ellis_ absolutely. but i thnk its easy to get caught up in the "new toys" sometimes. Have to be constantly aware of balance #sschat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
@kconners09 My Ed Chats page: http://bit.ly/7w7P59 #sschat (every Monday 7 pm EST)


PerformanceEd PerformanceEducation
Please vote this week. I need good numbers to ensure I can do this 2x per year. Thanks http://bit.ly/9Zyqkh #sschat


Collaborize Team
Collaborize Collaborize Team
@martinmoran21 Technology such as online teaching platforms are just a tool to help with the curriculum. They shouldn't drive it. #sschat


RT @mcleod: New post: The 7 tacit lessons which schools teach children http://bit.lhttp://bit.ly/hMaMCQ #sschat #cpchat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
by Tekkietalk
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@kconners09 yes every monday from 7pm to 8 pm EST, please come back again! #sschat


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@kconners09 yep every monday #sschat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
@kyteacher My Great Depression page: http://bit.ly/bnDIC8 #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
Don't forget to take a look at the Sandel lecture page at Harvard. http://bit.ly/fwNOFf You really don't want to miss it. #sschat




RT @UrockkMYworld: Check out @SageMilk for mobile learning technology. http://lx.im/6OJM #sschat #edchat


I can think of several people who would be outstanding to guest moderate but want everyone to have a chance. #sschat


TheSwish Ryan
Article of the Week: School Uniforms - Good Idea or Fashion Flop? http://bit.ly/aEWPc6 #sschat #historyteacher


Martin Moran
martinmoran21 Martin Moran
Hardest balance to strike for techie teachers: Is curriculum driving tech or is tech driving curriculum? #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@becky_ellis_ Guest moderators for this venue. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@Ron_Peck Is that guest speakers or guest moderators? #sschat


Kay Conners
kconners09 Kay Conners
Sorry, #sschat forgot RT @kconners09: @merchantkrystle @padgets yes, let's start a list of ss guest speakers. Great idea!


Stephanie Hunte
AyaAcademy Stephanie Hunte
@Ron_Peck tech integration is the way 2 go for today's kids 2 engage they can use movie maker, make webquests etc #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@Brian_ThomasTCI Personally geeked?! Priceless! Thanks for coming to #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
Signing off for night. Thanks to #sschat teachers! I'd be personally geeked if any of you call in tomorrow for my webinar! Carpe Diem!


As our time is quickly winding down we would like to open #sschat to guest speakers starting in December. #sschat


I try to avoid the negative complaining teachers. I address them in training by challenging them to work on improving what they do. #sschat


Nia808 Jania
@Becky_Ellis_ Oh no, I don't think you should do any one thing ALL of the time. Whatever usefulness it had goes out the window. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@Nia808 I would refer them to #sschat, I see people sharing new resources and ideas very freely. Inspiring and contagious.


Jeremy Lenzi
JeremyLenzi Jeremy Lenzi
I do believe that there can be an effective use of "worksheets." It's all in how you structure them and value them in the process. #sschat


use twitter to find guest speakers! who do you follow? would your students be interested in what they have to say? #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
@kconners09 #sschat not hat I am aware of , we can start one!!! science and social studies


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Becky_Ellis_ Sounds like a basic observation on the human condition. @merchantkrystle #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat had that asked of me the other day, and I said if this old 40 something can do the younger ones can , besides it is so much fun!!!


Ron_Peck Ron
@lamoureuxr Rachelle, the problem is apathy by society and they want us to fix it. Parents, students, teachers don't care enough. #sschat


Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
I called George Washington once to see if he would b a guest speaker. He never called me back :-) #sschat


Kay Conners
kconners09 Kay Conners
@padgets is there a skype list out there for SS people? #sschat


Martin Moran
martinmoran21 Martin Moran
ive found that sometimes the simplest question ("Why did ____ happen?"), with only a little info, sometimes does the trick. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@merchantkrystle Sad to say that more often I hear teachers complaining about what is wrong instead of working to improve teaching #sschat


Nia808 Jania
Devil's Advocate: Developing/implementing new ideas takes time that we don't have. What do u say 2 teachers who say that? #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@blairteach I only sit down on my stool to rest my legs for a few moments. Can't imagine not being all over the room. #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat how about guest speakers? that would be a great unit starter :)


Ron_Peck Ron
@kyteacher Angela, that's a big project. How about some help on that? #sschat


@Becky_Ellis_ not necessarily. they can also create time for this type of convo in their own buildings. plenty of great minds. #sschat




Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@Ron_Peck Once had a tchr ask me in trng if it's fair to expect a tchr to be on her feet all day. #sschat


Nia808 Jania
@Becky_Ellis_ anytime u have kids read, eff. outlining/note-taking is an effective skill 4 them 2 use. #sschat


Let's face it...if teachers give an assignment and then go sit at their desk, then they need to change or go. #sschat


Kay Conners
kconners09 Kay Conners
@kyteacher thanks, look forward to it! #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@Ron_Peck I think that you need admin buy in for twitter. It's too bad most haven't heard of the opportunities here #sschat


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@kyteacher Yes, I would be #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@blairteach I would agree and if used properly can be engaging and useful in the learning process. #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat think about your fav teacher as a student...weren't they weird and didn't theykeep you on your toes? We (cont) http://tl.gd/77lq8p


Diana Laufenberg
dlaufenberg Diana Laufenberg
Thoughtful scaffolding, variety of methods/procedures, sprinkle in some vids/podcasts/images... all make the learning env. dynamic #sschat


Angela Cunningham
kyteacher Angela Cunningham
@kconners09 I'll do a bit of organizing in the next few days & send out information. #sschat #ushist


@Becky_Ellis_ outling is mostly in same category as looking up & copying words in dictionary #sschat


@dlaufenberg told my kids to stop looking at me every time someone gives an answer - they can think too! made some difference #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Ron_Peck If only that were so. I'm afraid the reform talk is coming from business types wanting to cash in on the ed market. #sschat


Kay Conners
kconners09 Kay Conners
This is inspiring! Just imagine if we would be able to update curriculum! Great ideas, educators! #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@becky_ellis_ Isn't that the truth. I have tried to turn my teachers onto Twitter, Edmodo, Diigo, etc. and they just don't want to. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@blairteach I actually save the worksheets for when there is a sub . . . #sadbuttrue #sschat


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
RT @blairteach: @Ron_Peck Neither textbooks nor worksheets are inherently evil; problem is what gets used & lack of variety. #sschat agreed!


@dlaufenberg speed learning sounds awesome. will definitely try that next semester! thanks. #sschat


Diana Laufenberg
dlaufenberg Diana Laufenberg
and that kids should be in conversation with other kids about their ideas... not just teacher/student flow of conversation. #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@Ron_Peck Neither textbooks nor worksheets are inherently evil; problem is what gets used & lack of variety. #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@brian_thomastci Thanks Brian! We should all start our own school together. lol #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@Ron_Peck #sschat tweeps are such stellar examples that more teachers are getting a bigger pict. of what is possible.


Nia808 Jania
@blairteach EXACTLY! I had 2 days in WH total 2 discuss cause & results of Revs in Haiti, Eng, France, America, and Lat. America! #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@classroomtools Sadly true! Maybe a big reason that the talk of reform is out there. #sschat


Kay Conners
kconners09 Kay Conners
Again, yes. RT @kyteacher: Would love to harness the great ideas in #sschat to build the ultimate US History curriculum. Any interest?


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat mean let's face it... You allaren't normal! Lol. That's a good thing btw!


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Ron_Peck I think we here will agree to that, but out in the vast number of classrooms across the land, not so much. #sschat


Angela Cunningham
kyteacher Angela Cunningham
Would love to harness the great ideas in #sschat to build the ultimate US History curriculum. Any interest?


Nia808 Jania
@Becky_Ellis_ I helped write curr. for our district. Goal was "get through" the curriculum. No more than 1-2 days per topic. #sschat


And we just need to use a variety of activities to keep students engaged? Maybe get students involved in selecting the activities? #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@Ron_Peck I find there are some good questions/activities in textbooks but tchrs often have stds skip the complex items. #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
the real challenge isn't us...it's all the teachers not doing #sschat, or activities like it


Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
@dlaufenberg do you provide ?'s with topic you're teaching? I've not heard of that! #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
@Ron_Peck #sschat yes for me!!!


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@TheSwish my students love @icivics #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@Becky_Ellis_ Exactly. When a pacing guide only allows 4 days for WW I, how in depth can one get? #sschat


So, can we agree that most worksheets and answering questions out of the book need to be shelved for the most part? #sschat


TheSwish Ryan
@MsTeacher28 We do a Bill of Rights "hand game" http://goo.gl/YHdBh & "Do I Have a Right" from @icivics #sschat




Diana Laufenberg
dlaufenberg Diana Laufenberg
Also, key in the methods and procedures is to allow enough time for stdnts to wrap their heads around complex ideas/relationships #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@blairteach it is problematic when the pacing guides don't always allow for in depth exploration of topics #sschat


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@blairteach I actually like the standards at our school http://www.projectaero.org/ #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat we have sample lessons across grade levels that you allure more than welcome to! I am also doing a webinar tomorrow at 6:30 est


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
Good point by @cybraryman1. Too many places are focuses on low-level test items so little time remains for deep learning. Sad. #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat I am so glad I am in Iowa, seems we are not under the high stakes pressure you are all under :(


Kay Conners
kconners09 Kay Conners
@mshuflin great! I just skyped 2 DR. #sschat. Need specific goals 2 skype.


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
It is not only methods/procedures that need to be examined; standards & pacing guides need serious refinement. (IMO) #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
I like that there is a variety of tech and interactive options being discussed here. Nice! #sschat


RT @merchantkrystle: debates, presentations, hearings, trials, analyzing images & docs on an iwb or transparency, think/pair/share. #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat is that because they are telling you how to teach or what to teach?


Nia808 Jania
4 corners when we talk about controversial decisions. Strong. Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strong. Dis. Studs move 2 their position. #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@cybraryman1 It's the same way with AP courses. Not a lot of variety allowed for in those. #sschat


debates, presentations, hearings, trials, analyzing images and docs on an iwb or even transparency, think/pair/share. #sschat


RT @padgets: #sschat poems, plays, public service announcement, xtranormal, iMovie, clay animation, voice thread, brochures, skyping.


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
Over the years, I've found that some of my most effective lessons allow students to move around the room, engaging each other. #sschat


Kay Conners
kconners09 Kay Conners
Yes! RT @padgets: #sschat poems, plays, public service announcement, xtranormal, iMovie, clay animation, voice thread, brochures,...


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
Big problem especially in NYS is teaching for the SS Regents exams doesn't allow for too much fun activities #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@Akevy613 Although I like having combined chats, I also like the subject-specific chats because they are smaller & easier to engage. #sschat


Some ideas include PBL, cooperative learning, teacher for the day just to name a few. #sschat


Nia808 Jania
@MsTeacher28 I like using Turning Point (response devices) to answer questions during class. It allows 4 immediate feedback. #sschat


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@kconners09 I have started planning for 2nd semester to skype with my middle schoolers in Venezuela and classes around the world #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat poems, plays, public service announcement, xtranormal, iMovie, clay animation, voice thread, brochures, skyping other classes


Kay Conners
kconners09 Kay Conners
Anyone collaborating globally? So important. #sschat.


Nia808 Jania
@Becky_Ellis_ you're right...we should have a var of strategies that we "professionals" have at our disposal, dep on topic/students #sschat


Matthew Brown
MrBrownTJHS Matthew Brown
Just saw an ad for "I'm Proud to be an American Chia pets"...RIDICULOUS! #sschat


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@Brian_ThomasTCI because they are talking about testing it. Do we want that? #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@lamoureuxr you can't guarantee engagement but you can sure set that as a goal for class #sschat


MsTeacher28 MsTeacher28
#sschat I think we are in agreement in terms of needing to do a variety of things. Can you guys share specific ideas?


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@PerformanceEd @cybraryman1 In student teaching I taught American Studies with an English teacher. USHist+USLit. It was good #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat it's so frustrating to hear our public officials speak only of math, science, and reading...where is our voice?


Ron_Peck Ron
@becky_ellis_ My district is working to get every school using cooperative learning on some level. Good stuff! #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@Brian_ThomasTCI Too many tchrs believe any "group work" is cooperative learning. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@JeremyLenzi if you are remembering the teacher's name 26 years later that is a sign :) #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat My favorite memories of my history class was when we acted out history not read it ":)


Angela Cunningham
kyteacher Angela Cunningham
I'm not doing a great job of multi-tasking tonight. Reading through #sschat from time to time...


Kay Conners
kconners09 Kay Conners
Just found #sschat. I teach 8th grade and I do NOT lecture. Use project based lrning & student lrning. Pls don't categorize


Ron_Peck Ron
@akevy613 Great idea! I'm sure #edchat has discussed this topic in the past. #sschat


PerformanceEd PerformanceEducation
@cybraryman1 Couldn't agree more. So much literature teaches History. Why its not more integrated is beyond me. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@Ron_Peck It seems like you have a great administration seeking to keep staff growing. Are all admins as aware? #sschat


Nia808 Jania
@blairteach @Brian_ThomasTCI I would argue the love of sch begins to dwindle when high-stakes testing becomes the focus #sschat <--EXACTLY


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat what bothers me is when poorly planned group work is called cooperative learning


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
@Npriester Thank you. English and SS teachers should work together. #engchat #sschat




Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
@msteacher28 I use a lot of groupwork and all students have a job #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@cybraryman1 I know Jerry! I use your site with my teachers.8) #sschat


Akevy Greenblatt
Akevy613 Akevy Greenblatt
@mshuflin I think there should b 1 that is more inviting so that all teachers will join and not limited by subject- #sschat #edchat


Nia808 Jania
I agree with the posts but I think the only way we'll progress as a discipline is to consider why things are the way they are. #sschat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
@Ron_Peck A properly designed Cooperative Learning Project does work well. Cooperative Learning: http://bit.ly/cHk42P #sschat


Jeremy Lenzi
JeremyLenzi Jeremy Lenzi
@Becky_Ellis_ Thankfully, outlining every chapter didn't lessen my love for history, just my disdain for Mr. Detar. #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
Balance is key. RT @Ron_Peck: Not sure we want to reject anything we do. Just use it in moderation & more effectively. #sschat




Nia808 Jania
also, we have to take into account the high stakes testing environment we live in. To delve more deeply risks lower test scores. #sschat


I am currently training our staff in cooperative learning strategies to increase engagement and success for students. Working well! #sschat


Jeremy Lenzi
JeremyLenzi Jeremy Lenzi
@Becky_Ellis_ I had to do this same thing in 1984. It did nothing more but breed contempt for the teacher and poor behavior. #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat I have offered ever M-th teacher tech bytes afterschool, since Sept 1 without admin mandating, no one comes :()


MsTeacher28 MsTeacher28
#sschat what are your favorite ways of getting students active and participating in lessons?


MissShuganah Debbie
RT @cybraryman1: "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." #sschat || Hands on practice for me.


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@Brian_ThomasTCI I would argue the love of sch begins to dwindle when high-stakes testing becomes the focus (late elementary) #sschat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
Question to #engchat Do you work with SS teachers when using History NF books? #sschat


Akevy Greenblatt
Akevy613 Akevy Greenblatt
Methods used 2 engage students in a Soc Stud class can & should b used inall classes #sschat - We should try 2streamline chats @#teachchat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@lamoureuxr @padgets it is hard for me to watch this. About to pull the gifted card on her teacher. #sschat


Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
I think it is imp to focus on big ideas and essental ?'s. Design individual lessons from there. #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@classroomtools Not sure we want to reject anything we do. Just use it in moderation and more effectively. #sschat


PerformanceEd PerformanceEducation
If not interactivity - the students should be doing while the lecture is being told - mapping I find is great - or organizing facts.#sschat


Nia808 Jania
telling someone not to lecture without helping them add other methods to their repertoire is counterproductive. #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Ron_Peck Use it only if it makes sense in the situation where we plan to put it to work. #sschat


Jeff Silva-Brown
UkiahCoachBrown Jeff Silva-Brown
@brian_thomastci The same could be said about any method of instruction. Using TCI without some direct instruction included. #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat when do kids lose their love of school? When they move from el to ms usually...and how do el teachers teach? Hands on baby!


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@classroomtools I've used the learning pyramid, but here's an article that debunks it: http://bit.ly/ftaCD #sschat


Nia808 Jania
I think we have to consider why teachers teach the way they do and provide meaningful alternatives. #sschat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
@Brian_ThomasTCI Lectures should include interactivity with students #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Ron_Peck I agree, & am definitely not advocating that we all lecture, just pointing out that we shouldn't reject it either. #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat @Becky_Ellis_ ugggg!!! how boring, poor kids, this is exactly what kills curiosity and love of learning


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@Akevy613 I think you are looking for #edchat #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat lectures are easily delivered; not as easily digested by students


Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
@kyteacher totally agree with you! I LOVE History Alive! #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
My 8th grade daughter has to outline EVERY chapter in the book. No fun #sschat


Akevy Greenblatt
Akevy613 Akevy Greenblatt
There r some great tweets from #sschat my fear is that teachers who aren't S. S. teach may not join can we streamline all chats 2 #teachchat


Q2: What methods should we be incorporating into our lessons? Some have already been mentioned. #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@classroomtools Some teachers are like a Jedi master in the classroom when they lecture but many are not. #sschat


@Ron_Peck i much prefer drafting a few ?s and letting students bat them around -- new questions always come out of their responses #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@lamoureuxr discussing which methods/procedures should be rethought or replaced #sschat




Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat I do not think my science methods class was all that great either!!


Ron_Peck Ron
@padgets I think teaching is so time consuming that many teachers do what takes the least amount of time and energy...Lecture! #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@kyteacher that is better than my ss methods class. Fortunatley I had lots of subject specific training @LBUSD. #sschat


Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
@brian_thomastci doe tci stand for teaching curriculum institute as in history alive? #sschat


Jeff Silva-Brown
UkiahCoachBrown Jeff Silva-Brown
@padgets YES! BITSA in California is a beginning teacher program that is hours of extra time and paperwork. #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@Ron_Peck ou've just said exactly what I say to tchrs, and I see that all the time (tchrs answering own questions). #sschat


RT @classroomtools: @Ron_Peck This learning pyramid is informative. http://bit.ly/gX3WgE @cybraryman1 #sschat Great example!


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
@Becky_Ellis_ I think there is a definite lack of training and that is the problem #sschat


Angela Cunningham
kyteacher Angela Cunningham
@cybraryman1 I agree. My ss methods class was built around TCI & History Alive! Huge influence on my classroom. #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat do you think teachers get involved in too many things besides teaching that takes away from the classroom?


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@cybraryman1 do you think districts train by subject matter? #sschat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
@classroomtools I like the Learning Pyramid. Thanks #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Ron_Peck Watch what Sandel does. He is a jedi master of what lectures can be. #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@blairteach If we're answering our own questions or calling on the same students to assist us, then we're doing it wrong. #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Ron_Peck This learning pyramid is informative. http://bit.ly/gX3WgE @cybraryman1 #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat we spend our time building activities like you all describe..we have a market because teachers aren't given quality time to


Stephanie Hunte
AyaAcademy Stephanie Hunte
#sschat I like the inquiry method - have students analyze primary sources art replica of Confederate $ etc


Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
#sschat @padgets for improvement but that I believe is a whole other issue!


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
It all starts with the training of Social Studies teachers. Teach them all the different methods to engage students #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@classroomtools Yes, lectures can be engaging but how do we know they are understanding what is being said? And are they listening. #sschat


the problem isn't the lecture, it's the student's lack of practice performing higher level thinking on a daily basis #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@Ron_Peck I often use the "Anyone, Anyone" clip from Ferris Bueller in training. #sschat


Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
#sschat @padgets ha good ? I think it depends on the individual teacher but I think teacher evals need to be utilized more as a tool for


Jeff Silva-Brown
UkiahCoachBrown Jeff Silva-Brown
Agree with CFU when doing anything. Even "involving" students must be more guided. Some see creativity and PBL's as free roaming. #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
@Ron_Peck #sschat Ferris Bueller? :-p)


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
For those who are not familiar with Sandal, definitely make time to look at http://bit.ly/fwNOFf #sschat


RT @cybraryman1: "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." #sschat <--Yes!


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@merchantkrystle worksheets are not the problem. for example, @Brian_ThomasTCI has materials considered "worksheets" but engaging #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@classroomtools do you have a link for that? #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
@blairteach All too often I see and hear about the Bueller effect. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
What do you think about outlining ? Is that becoming outdated ? #sschat


Jamie Josephson
Dontworryteach Jamie Josephson
I'm totally missing #sschat :( Gonna try to head home now and catch the end..


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat build the lesson first, get down to essential knowledge, then create activity to ins


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Ron_Peck From watching Michael Sandal's JUSTICE lectures at Harvard, I've learned that even lecturers can be engaging & creative. #sschat


I'm not saying lecturing is bad but you must check for understanding and then mix in other activities. Get them out of their seat. #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
@Ron_Peck Most often, I don't see much intentional checking or understanding; lots of anonymous choral responses to questions. #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat so does admin say you will change or how can we get those to change?


Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
@padgets I think it's the school/district responsibility to train teacher how to implement best prac then admin job to follow thru #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
RT @Brian_ThomasTCI: #sschat I want kids engaged, not busy!


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat I want kids engaged, not busy!


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Becky_Ellis_ It must be all of those lists by which people seem to judge historical knowledge. @padgets #sschat


PerformanceEd PerformanceEducation
Feverishly working on getting all voting brackets up. Please get some comments started for me: http://bit.ly/aIuPnI #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
Amen, amen. Too bad we're preaching to the choir here. RT @Ron_Peck: Reject anything that can be and is busy work. #sschat


Diana M.
TeacherMomOfTwo Diana M.
RT @Ron_Peck: We need to move away from teacher centered teaching differentiate our methods in order to meet needs of all students. #sschat




Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
RT @Ron_Peck: We need to move away from tchr centered tchng 24/7 & differentiate our methods in order to meet the needs of all stds. #sschat


If we are lecturing, are we frequently checking for understanding? #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@padgets A large portion of history teachers seem dedicated to the proposition that all students must be engaged in busywork #sschat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
@padgets Our principal changed the seating to groups at tables #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@merchantkrystle ... the most creative soc studies materials available. I was shocked to learn that most people bought worksheets. #sschat


Reject anything that can be and is busy work. #sschat


Brian Thomas
Brian_ThomasTCI Brian Thomas
#sschat teachers need varied instruction like their students learning styles are varied.


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat so do you say to a teacher, hey change to other ways of delivering your content and do they do this willingly?


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
Oops. "Mix it up." #sschat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
We need to employ a variety of methods #sschat


Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
Thanks! I agree with that, but I also see importance in reading a text in small doses to gain the needed info #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@merchantkrystle Good luck there. I spent a summer working for Social Studies School Service. They continue to have some of ... #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@merchantkrystle I agree about worksheets. They kill student braincells! #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
Agree w/@kyteacher Need to ix it up. #sschat


We need to move away from teacher centered teaching 24/7 and differentiate our methods in order to meet the needs of all students. #sschat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
We have to get our students to think critically and be problem solvers #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
Biggest issue I see when observing SS classrooms is lack of variety; too much lecture/notes/test w/little else. #sschat


if there was anything to eject from the classroom, i'd say worksheets #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
RT @cybraryman1: @lindsayagates Project Based Learning: http://bit.ly/cVTu4f or Problem Based Learning: http://bit.ly/9n44v3 #sschat


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
@lindsayagates Project Based Learning: http://bit.ly/cVTu4f or Problem Based Learning: http://bit.ly/9n44v3 #sschat


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@lindsayagates it is PBL, problem based learning, or sometimes, project based learning #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
RT @padgets: #sschat @lindsayagates PBL stands for Problem or project based learning :-)


Angela Cunningham
kyteacher Angela Cunningham
RT @UkiahCoachBrown Don't reject text, don't reject lecture. Just do them better! <I agree. Both are appropriate @ times. Mix it up. #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Ron_Peck There are some groups in need of predictability & stability, for a variety of reasons. Consistency might be nec. for them. #sschat


Lindsay Gates
lindsayagates Lindsay Gates
I'm sorry, @padgets but what does pdl stand for? #sschat


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@classroomtools I think often, however we learn best is how we naturally teach. but if that is the only way we do it... #sschat


Nancy Blair
blairteach Nancy Blair
Agree! RT @Ron_Peck: IMO if we are doing just one method all the time then we need to change. #sschat


I have set up a calendar in PBworks and we thought we would invite some people and then ask for volunteers alot like #engchat does. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@mshuflin I think some of the regular #sschat participants would be outstanding moderators too, but heck yeah @rmbyrne would be awesome!


MissTeacha2 MissTeacha2
Eliminate: read the text and do the section reviews. many at my school are still doing it but kids don't get anything out of it #sschat


Angela Cunningham
kyteacher Angela Cunningham
Time for #sschat!


Jeff Silva-Brown
UkiahCoachBrown Jeff Silva-Brown
Don't reject text, don't reject lecture. You will be doing a create disservice to a large populations of kids. Just do them better! #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@mshuflin True, but I don't consider autopilot a method. I think of it as the absence of method. #sschat


IMO if we are doing just one method all the time then we need to change. #sschat


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@Ron_Peck @Becky_Ellis_ guest moderators would be a good idea. I vote for @rmbyrne #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
@Becky_Ellis_ Yes, even that; although I would suggest using it only after very careful analysis of the situation. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@Ron_Peck I really enjoy hearing from different people on #sschat. We have a wealth of experience here to tap into.


MissTeacha2 MissTeacha2
@Ron_Peck guest moderators are good idea #sschat


Marc Shuflin
mshuflin Marc Shuflin
@classroomtools But we should avoid any methods that are not well thought out. Autopilot isn't a good method #sschat


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat I would like to see less lecture and book work and more PBL


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
@classroomtools uhhh even the open your book to page 107 read the chapter and answer the questions on page 115? #sschat


Ron_Peck Ron
Before we get started @Becky_Ellis_ and I were discussing the opportunity to open #sschat to guest moderators. Thoughts?


Jerry Blumengarten
cybraryman1 Jerry Blumengarten
"Those who do not know their history are condemned to repeat it!" #sschat


Bill Chapman
classroomtools Bill Chapman
We shouldn't reject any procedures. We should be familiar with them all, so we can choose the most appropriate for each situation. #sschat


Rebecca Ellis
Becky_Ellis_ Rebecca Ellis
#sschat I guess I am already behind!


Sharon Padget
padgets Sharon Padget
#sschat Hi everybody! my name is Sharon and I am a HS science teacher from Iowa :[-)


Jeff Silva-Brown
UkiahCoachBrown Jeff Silva-Brown
RT @becky_ellis_: #sschat starts in 5 minutes. Discussing methods or procedures we should reject and what they should be replaced with.



Ron_Peck Ron


Welcome to #sschat. Tonight we are discussing methods or procedures we should reject and what they should be replaced with.

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